Look how cute I am
Putting shoes on
Baba teaching me to play soccer
Double Pagoda Temple
This morning we visited the Double Pagoda Temple. We have seen so many temple's , I can no longet tell you the difference between them. They are all beautiful and very detailed. How they ever got them built 400 years ago will remain a mystery to me.
Hannah has been coughing the past two days with lots of green gunck, so we decided to just hang out in our room. We went ahead and started her antibiotics to make sure it doesn't turn into anything more. She slept for about 2 1/2 hours after getting back to the room and then woke up ready to go. She can be a sweet snuggle girl but she is also a rough and tumble girl. Today, she kept wanting to do backwards summersaults off of the footstool. Julie- I don't know if dancing is in her future , I think acrobatics is going to be her forte. She is fearless. She does like to be girly too, though. She already is use to having bows in and if one falls out; she wants it right back in ( I think she just wants to make mama happy).
We didn't make it to McDonalds today, but tomorrow is a free day, again. So we will try again then . We plan on staying up late tonight so that we can call and see how Caleb did at his meet, then sleeping in late tomorrow morning. It is beginning to get lonely here without any other families. We keep reading their blogs and they are having lots of fun together. Just a few more days and we will be with them again. I am also ready to have my blow dryer and straightening iron work, again. The pony tail look is getting a little old. We miss you all and can't wait to be home. Hannah is going to have so much fun meeting all of you. She is a little social butterfly.
Love to you all!!
I love the dress up pics... She is going to be a site!!! I can't to teach her how to be just like her Aunt Hannah!!! Hahah jk She is going to have her own personality and it is alreay showing!! I love it!!! Well I miss ya and can't wait to see little Hannah!!
The pictures are great. I hope she doesn't run out of clothes(ha ha)Her personality seems to shine. can't wait to meet her. I miss you see you soon. Keep safe, Andrew says hi, and your Caleb misses you,Andrew has been keeping a check on him. My Caleb says hi too.
We're praying everyday for you all.
Excitement is high in Georgia. Caleb took SECOND place at the state cross country meet. This Grandma & Grandpa are proud and excited for him. He ran 12:50. Wish we all could have been there to see him.
We look forward to the pic's each day, but look most forward to getting you all home and getting our arms around Hannah.
Mom & Dad Demmin
Love the pics, but also VERY excited to read that Caleb took second at State. GO CALEB!!!! Can't wait for you guys to get back!
Hannah is so cute!!!!!!!!! I love all the pictures.
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